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Matt Hill for US Congress for Vermont



Standing Up for Vermonters

Vermont is a beautiful state. For the most part, its residents, do not enjoy as high a standard of living as several of Vermont’s nearby states resident counterparts. Because of Vermont’s relatively small population, and limited business opportunities, wages are muted as there is not as much commerce which limits the “multiplier” effect.

a checked off box in green

Bringing Federal Jobs to Vermont

a checked off box in hunter green

Bringing industry and well-paying jobs to hardworking Vermonters

a checked off box in black

Working to reduce U.S. debt and help our country become a sovereign world leader

Matt Hill stands in front of the White House

Standing Up for Vermonters

Vermont is a beautiful state. For the most part, its residents, do not enjoy as high a standard of living as several of Vermont’s nearby states resident counterparts. Because of Vermont’s relatively small population, and limited business opportunities, wages are muted as there is not as much commerce which limits the “multiplier” effect.

Bringing Federal Jobs to Vermont

Bringing industry and well-paying jobs to hardworking Vermonters

Working to reduce U.S. debt and help our country become a sovereign world leader


Protect Future Generations

Border & Immigration
  • Halt Illegal Crossings into US
  • Stop Fentanyl, Human Smuggling
  • US Taxpayers pay billions annually for their healthcare, crimes, and education
Social Security
  • Projected to run out of $$ in 2035.
  • Raise the Deduction rate to 7% for individuals and Employers.
  • Remove upper cap of Medicare tax
  • Tax mineral removal from fed lands
National Debt
  • $34 Trillion and growing daily
Climate Change
  • Nuclear, geo-thermic, renewables
Strong Military
  • Sanction BRICS (Brazil, Russia, Iran, China and South Africa)
  • Do not Defund the Police
Capitalism vs Socialism
  • Capitalism Lifts People from Poverty
  • Socialism Ushers in Poverty
Universal Healthcare

• A Basic Right

Overhaul Tax System
  • Tax Large Non-Profit Foundations
  • Close Tax Loopholes
  • Lower Estate Tax Exemption
Student Debt
  • Allow use of retirement funds
Cognitive Testing & Term Limits
  • For all Federal elected Offices and
  • Cabinet Members

The State of Vermont in the past has not been kind to energy generation. If the people of Vermont wish to be more financially secure, they may need to give up fears of Nuclear Power and other emerging technologies.

I will be a financial hawk watching Vermont’s money at all times. While it is not a US Senator’s duties nor would that individual have any voting power, but given my CPA and financial background, I will offer my opinion at the state level as well.

The maximum I will serve will be two terms.

"I intend to bring new federal jobs to Vermont as a way to increase the wage base of the state. I will also work to bring some type of industry or new form of income, such as energy generation"

  • I support gun ownership and the amount of ammunition allowed by VT’s laws. I do believe in stricter licensing and firearm registration that Vermonters currently enjoy.

  • I support new laws stripping benefits, including pension benefits from federal employees who lie to congress or intentionally try to harm the US.

  • I support financial service producers being able to move their clients as a block transfer to a different Broker/Dealer and will attempt to include that in the next financial services bill. The Justice Department has eliminated non-compete agreements so why not include financial services brokers?

  • I will find federal funds to help bolster VT infrastructure such as roads, bridges and dams that have been or may become damaged from flooding.

  • I oppose laws limiting noise and gas engines which could limit the snowmobile industry and the use of gas-powered landscaping equipment.


  • I vehemently oppose federal funding for states (ie CA, NY, IL, and others) for their careless spending and borrowing habits. This will happen should one of those governors become president.

Your voice matters.

Check your Vermont Voter Registration Today.

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