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Matt Hill for US Congress for Vermont



As your Senator, Matt Hill will work to address the U.S. debt through a thoughtful and balanced approach

The U.S. national debt, a crucial aspect of the country’s fiscal health, has become a focal point in economic policy discussions. As of August 2024, the U.S. national debt stands at approximately $33.6 trillion. This figure represents the cumulative total of federal government borrowing over time, including both public debt (held by individuals, institutions, and foreign governments) and intra-governmental holdings (debt held by government trust funds and other accounts).

The debt-to-GDP ratio, a key indicator of debt sustainability, is around 125%. This ratio reflects the national debt as a percentage of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). A high debt-to-GDP ratio suggests significant borrowing relative to economic output, which can impact economic stability and growth.

Core Principles

Fiscal Responsibility

Ensuring the long-term sustainability of federal finances is paramount. This includes controlling the growth of the national debt relative to GDP and maintaining confidence in the U.S. government’s fiscal discipline.

Economic Growth

Debt management should support economic growth by investing in infrastructure, education, and technology. Strategic investments can enhance productivity and create conditions for a more dynamic and resilient economy.

Equity & Fairness

Policies should be designed to distribute the burden of debt management equitably across different segments of society. Efforts should be made to minimize the impact on vulnerable populations and ensure that fiscal policies do not disproportionately disadvantage lower-income households.

Long-term Planning

Solutions should focus on both short-term stabilization and long-term debt reduction. This involves creating a clear and credible plan to manage debt while addressing the structural drivers of deficits.

Policy Recommendations

Comprehensive Budget Reform

Implement a multi-year budget framework that includes revenue enhancements and expenditure controls. This framework should set clear targets for deficit reduction and debt stabilization, with regular assessments to adjust policies as needed.

Revenue Enhancements

Explore broadening the tax base and enhancing revenue through measures such as closing loopholes, progressively adjusting tax rates, and ensuring effective tax compliance. Revenue reforms should be designed to support economic growth while addressing inequities.

Expenditure Controls

Review and reform federal spending programs to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Prioritize spending that drives economic growth and societal benefits while examining and reducing non-essential expenditures.

Entitlement Reform

Address the long-term sustainability of entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid through incremental and equitable reforms. Ensure that changes protect benefits for current retirees and lower-income individuals while aligning program costs with funding capabilities.

Debt Management Strategy

Develop a comprehensive debt management strategy that includes a mix of refinancing, extending maturities, and managing interest rate risks. This strategy should aim to minimize borrowing costs while ensuring that the debt remains at manageable levels.

Economic Stimulus & Investment

Continue to support targeted economic stimulus measures during periods of economic downturn. Invest in projects and initiatives that have high economic returns, such as infrastructure, education, and research and development, to stimulate growth and increase the nation’s productivity.

Transparency & Accountability

Enhance transparency in fiscal operations by providing clear and accessible information about debt levels, budgetary processes, and policy impacts. Establish independent oversight to ensure accountability in debt management and fiscal policy.

Bipartisan Cooperation

Foster a bipartisan approach to debt management that encourages collaboration and consensus-building. Effective debt reduction and fiscal policies require the support and cooperation of both major political parties.

Managing the U.S. debt is a critical challenge that demands a thoughtful and balanced approach. By adhering to principles of fiscal responsibility, economic growth, equity, and long-term planning, and by implementing targeted policy recommendations, the U.S. can navigate its debt challenges while promoting a prosperous and stable future.

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