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Matt Hill for US Congress for Vermont



Matt Hill believes that all Americans should have access to affordable, quality healthcare. Rising medical expenses are unaffordable for many families and contribute significantly to the federal deficit. A reformed healthcare system must address access, quality, and costs.

We have the finest healthcare in the world, but there are those that think it should be free. It costs money to have a world class healthcare system; money to operate state-of-the-art facilities, conduct research, create new drugs, train future doctors, and devise advanced medical equipment, cutting-edge cures and treatments, and breakthrough technologies. All Americans should have access to affordable, quality healthcare.

Rising medical expenses are not only unaffordable to the average family, but a major component of the federal deficit. We need a reformed healthcare system that works for all, and I believe that some form of a universal healthcare structure would do just that. The fundamental concerns must be access, quality, and costs, and the program could be funded by corporate and individual payroll taxes as well as exploring a tax on commodities being mined on federal lands. 

In 2022, 26 million people, or 7.9 percent of the population, were uninsured, according to a report in September 2023 from the Census Bureau. As a society, we need to help the people among us that are most in need with compassion and resolve. Universal healthcare would provide a safety net for those who have the least. My proposal would include Universal Healthcare for all, as well as the continuation of Private Insurance being available for those who wish to purchase benefits independently.

Preventative Care & Cost Savings

Preventive care is essential for reducing long-term healthcare costs. Encouraging healthy lifestyles and preventive measures like colonoscopies and mammograms can save taxpayers money by catching diseases early and reducing the need for expensive treatments later.

Quality Healthcare & Market Dynamics

The United States boasts some of the finest healthcare in the world. Maintaining this standard requires significant investment in state-of-the-art facilities, research, new drug development, medical training, advanced equipment, and cutting-edge treatments. While some advocate for free healthcare, it is vital to recognize that maintaining a world-class system requires financial resources.

Affordable & Accessible Healthcare

All Americans should have access to affordable, quality healthcare. Rising medical expenses are unaffordable for many families and contribute significantly to the federal deficit. A reformed healthcare system must address access, quality, and costs. 

One potential solution is a healthcare structure funded by corporate and individual payroll taxes. This approach can provide a safety net for those most in need without compromising the quality of care.

According to a September 2023 Census Bureau report, 26 million people, or 7.9 percent of the population, were uninsured in 2022. It is essential to help those most in need with compassion and resolve. Universal healthcare can offer a safety net for the least fortunate, ensuring they receive necessary medical care.

Efforts to limit consumer drug costs and regulate pharmaceutical profits must strike a balance. While it is essential to make medications affordable, regulations should also allow for sufficient profit margins to incentivize continued innovation and development. The capitalist system has delivered significant advancements in pain management, health improvement, and life extension.

My proposal includes a healthcare option for all Americans while preserving the availability of private insurance for those who wish to purchase additional benefits independently. This dual-system approach can ensure that everyone has access to essential healthcare while maintaining the freedom to choose personalized coverage options.

By embracing market principles, encouraging innovation, and fostering personal responsibility, Congress can reform the healthcare system to work for all Americans, ensuring access, quality, and affordability without sacrificing individual freedoms.

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