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Matt Hill for US Congress for Vermont



Matt Hill believes that the geopolitical implications of the War in Ukraine are crucial. A strong Ukraine serves as a buffer against Russian aggression and potentially Chinese ambitions.

My stance on funding Ukraine is nuanced. Generally, I am cautious about funding foreign conflicts. However, in the case of Ukraine, we must consider strategic factors. Ukraine, a former Soviet country, has historically struggled with corruption but stands as a democratic nation and a vital global supplier of grains and fertilizers. Since the dissolution of the Soviet Union in 1991, the US has maintained positive relations with Ukraine.

Support from Europe and the US has helped Ukraine maintain its independence, albeit temporarily. The resources provided have inflicted significant losses on Russia's military at a relatively low cost to us, without risking American lives. Moreover, the ammunition supplied, though older, would have needed replacement regardless.

The geopolitical implications are crucial. A strong Ukraine serves as a buffer against Russian aggression and potentially Chinese ambitions. If Ukraine were to fall, it could embolden China to pursue aggressive actions, such as against Taiwan, a critical ally for its advanced technology sector.

Considering these factors, it is in the US's strategic interest to support Ukraine. By doing so, we bolster global stability and protect our own national security.

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