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Matt Hill for US Congress for Vermont



As your Senator, Matt Hill will work to address the U.S. debt through a thoughtful and balanced approach

The policy position on term limits for Congress is a debated topic with a range of perspectives. Advocates for term limits argue that they could reduce the influence of career politicians, encourage fresh ideas, and make Congress more representative of the general population. They believe term limits could help prevent entrenched interests from dominating legislative processes and improve accountability by ensuring that new voices and perspectives regularly enter the political arena.

Opponents, on the other hand, argue that term limits could lead to a loss of experienced legislators, as the institutional knowledge and expertise that seasoned lawmakers bring to Congress could be lost. They also point out that term limits might inadvertently increase the influence of unelected staff and lobbyists, who have more experience and continuity in Washington compared to the frequently changing crop of elected officials.

I believe that members of Congress should be allowed no more than ten terms (20years and three terms (18) years for Senators.

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