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Matt Hill for US Congress for Vermont


As your Senator, Matt Hill will support common sense border controls and sound policies with the safety and security of the American people as a priority.

Strong border security means a safer nation, and the protection of our own citizens is being neglected in favor of the interests of foreigners. The dangers of the migrants’ journey to our country cannot be overstated. They are being extorted, abused, and exploited by the cartels who play a significant role in the growing border crisis. These cartels are pocketing big profits while treating people as commodities. They are responsible for the dramatic increase in drugs pouring into our country, often smuggled in away from the ports of entry. The cartels are taking advantage of the overburdened immigration system and are pushing migrants and drugs through the holes in border security. 

Streamline the Legal Immigration Process

We must quicken and liberalize legal immigration so that people who want to come to this country and who are a benefit to this country can enter and establish residency. Legal immigration is a necessity as our current demographics and aging population demand it.

Support ICE and Border Patrol

There is widespread discontent over the practice of Texas Governor Abbott transporting migrants and illegal immigrants to northern cities like Chicago and New York. However, Texas faces a difficult situation with little federal support in fulfilling its duty to protect our borders. It is imperative that action be taken.

We need to deploy the expertise of our best minds in border security to formulate and implement effective solutions. Unfortunately, the political will to address these issues have been lacking. Equally important is the need to streamline and modernize legal immigration processes. We must expedite entry for individuals who will contribute positively to our country. Demographic shifts and an aging population make this not just a matter of policy, but a critical necessity.

Recently, a woman from Newport, VT, shared with me her concern that illegal crossings through her property have become a driving rather than walking issue. This anecdote underscores the urgency of addressing these challenges promptly and effectively."

Quickly Apprehend Those Entering Illegally & Return to Their Country

Reinstate Remain In Mexico

Finish the Wall at the Southern Border

Enforce Annual Limits on the Number of Immigrants

Quickly Adjudicate Asylum Seekers

Allow DREAMers to Stay

Uphold Current Immigration Laws and Legislate for Effective Reform

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