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Matt Hill for US Congress for Vermont



Matt Hill's position on the War in Gaza is that Israel has the right to defend itself and ensure such attacks never happen again. What would the U.S. do in a similar situation? Consider the response to Osama Bin Laden.

No $$ for Gaza

Until I have more information, I cannot make a formal recommendation, but here are some facts I believe to be true.

It’s horrible what has happened to Gaza in recent history. Many would say that it’s completely Israel’s fault for Gaza becoming a giant wasteland. I disagree. Israel was brutally attacked on October 7, 2023. It’s citizens were stabbed, shot, raped, kidnapped, tortured, decapitated, and set on fire. If a group had done that to US citizens, how would the US respond?

Many say that Israel oppresses Gazan’s, blockading them for receiving trade from other nations, and travelling to Israel. Gazan and Palestinian people have sworn to eliminate the Jewish race from the face of the earth. All the Israelis want is to be left alone. Decades ago, a fence was erected around the entire country to protect its citizens. 

In 2004 it was reported that the Palestinian Authority (PA) receives one of the highest levels of aid in the world. From 2014-2020, the PA received $4.5B including $600mm in 2020 alone. What did the PA do with this money-build Infrastructure such as power, desalinization, or sanitation plants, modernize their homeland or build a great school system? No, they built tunnels under the city to cross under Israel’s borders to kill its citizens and smuggling tunnels under Egypt’s borders. 

In 2008 Palestinians and Israel had a brief war. Under US pressure, Israel retreated. 

My position is that Israel has the right to defend itself and ensure such attacks never happen again. What would the U.S. do in a similar situation? Consider the response to Osama Bin Laden.

How should the U.S. respond to Israel, its only ally in the Middle East? What would our reaction be if Canada or Mexico launched such attacks on us? I will vote against any funding to rebuild Gaza. You don't start a war to gain a new country. Furthermore, neighboring countries' refusal to accept Gazan refugees speaks volumes.

Gazans receive the most aid per person of any group in the world.

HAMAS, Gaza's government, imposes a 15% tax on goods transferred from Egypt.

Instead of building infrastructure like roads, power plants, desalination facilities, schools, and hospitals with the hundreds of millions of dollars collected annually over the past twenty years, HAMAS constructed tunnels under its cities to facilitate attacks on Israel.

On October 7, 2023, HAMAS attacked, murdered, set on fire, tortured, maimed, and kidnapped over 1,000 Israeli citizens and has stated it will do so again if given the opportunity. When asked if HAMAS was wrong, Senator Sanders responded, "It's complicated."

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